Specialty Deep Foundations

With individual pile capacities up to 300 kips and a diameter of 12″ or less, these steel reinforced, grouted piles can be installed where other deep foundation elements are not a viable option.

Helical Piles
Helical piles use varying diameter helix (plate) sections as the bearing surface of the pile and to pull the pile down into the ground.

Ductile Iron Pipe Piles
Ductile Iron Pipe Piles (DIPPs) are low-vibration, modular-driven piling systems well suited for site challenges including tight access, limited overhead clearance, and vibration-sensitive projects.
Ground and Rock Anchors

Ground Anchors
A ground anchor can be installed in soil and some types of rock. Ground anchors are pre-tensioned after installation.

Rock Anchors
Pre-tensioned, grouted anchors used to counter uplift or overturning created by adverse soil or groundwater conditions.
Structural Underpinning

Coupled to a structure by way of a bracket, grouted socket or pile cap, micropiles can be used to underpin or add bearing capacity to a structure – even in low overhead or limited access locations.

Helical Piers
When used for underpinning or foundation repair, helical piers can be an economical and efficient solution for both compression and tension applications.

Steel Piers
Hydraulically driven steel push piers are a viable option for compression loading applications. Push piers are not used when tension loading is required.
Anchored Earth Retention / Support of Excavation (SOE)

Soil Nails
Soil nails are closely spaced anchors that may be installed horizontally or vertically to stabilize cuts or slopes.

Tiebacks are used to resist lateral force in a vertical wall or face. Designs include helical tiebacks and grouted anchors.
Ground Improvement

Aggregate Stone Columns
Aggregate Stone Columns are a cost effective approach to improve bearing capacity and mitigating settlement for poor soils. Primarily used under spread or continuous footings, but can also be used to support heavily loaded slabs.

Rigid Inclusions
Rigid Inclusions with Load Transfer Platform (LTF) is a ground improvement technique that transfers the structural loads through weak, compressible strata to firm bearing layers below.